Commercial Swim hooks begin shipping by 3-27-25
Just what you need to help revive your fish and get better coin for your catch when it goes to market, and not put a dent in your wallet!!!!
Designed, and tested with valuable input from successful giant tuna fisherman such as Capt. Bob Cook of F/V Fat Tuna (Wicked Tuna), and Captains Bryan & Taylor Sears of F/V For2una/Mass Bay Guides. Simply put....IT WORKS!!!!
Made from certified American Made solid 316 stainless steel and 100% manufactured in house by us, it’s designed to stand up to the rigorous of commercial giant tuna fishing. Its strong enough to hoist your fish over the gunwale using a gin pole!
Simply tie your tow rope off to the handle, unclasp the stainless steel safety tether and insert the hook into the mouth of the tuna. Guide the blunt end up and out the lower section of the gill/jaw, and reattach the safety tether. Then proceed to swim your fish until it is fully revived! It is specifically designed to not damage the gill rakers and cause the fish to prematurely bleed out!
It is advisable to swim the fish for 1 to 1.5 hours (until the fish is swimming black backed) before bleeding it out. This will help cool the core temperature down and allow the fish to eliminate any lactic acid in its blood which accumulates and ruins the quality of the meat.