"No B.S. Just hardcore, high quality, heavy duty American made sport fishing equipment."
That's our motto that we live by every day. You can count on the products we produce to be the highest quality products on the market.
L.T. Marine is a trademarked brand owned and operated by Laurel Tool and Engineering Company Inc which was incorporated in 1984. We are a precision manufacturing and fabricating company that has been in existence for over three decades, specializing in the tool and die, and aerospace manufacturing industries. Laurel Tool & Engineering Co. decided to expand and carryover it’s background in precision manufacturing and apply it into the commercial marine and sport fishing equipment product markets.
Since 2011, Laurel Tool & Engineering has designed and developed innovative, unique, high quality American Made sport fishing equipment and applied its proprietary product designs, and engineering services to other brands in the industry.
After several years of bolstering other brand with our products, we decided to enter the market directly on our own, thus the birth of L.T. Marine Products.

Having placed our products into the hands of highly reputable sport fishing and commercial fishing captains across the country, products that we designed and manufactured have been brutally tested and abused. This has been imperative to prove to ourselves, that if our products last several seasons on the decks of full time charter and commercial boats, they will last a lifetime in a recreational sport fishing environment.
What we offer is: “No B.S. Just hardcore, high quality, heavy duty American made sport fishing equipment!"